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Bearing Witness and Helping

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We launched the Sonoma County Resilience Fund in 2017 to support our community’s long-term disaster recovery and resilience. We have made more than $10 million in grants to support nonprofit organizations working on the front lines of disaster recovery. Our work continues.

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United Way SWLA will keep up-to-date information on our response to Hurricane Laura and Delta in the Southwest Louisiana parishes of Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron and Jefferson Davis.

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The Community Foundation of Southwest Louisiana is raising money from people who want to help their neighbors in Southwest Louisiana return to the lives they’d known before this disaster struck. The disaster grants pay for food, shelter, medicine, and all the other necessities that help stabilize those in most immediate need. Then grants are made for long-term recovery and, perhaps more importantly, for making people and places more resilient for the next time disaster visits.

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