Saving the Night Sky
It’s amazing what a committed group of people can get done. Our chapter volunteers work hard to get the message out, and they always need more helping hands. Find out if there’s an IDA chapter in your area. No chapter nearby? Then find some like-minded folks and start one
It is possible to see the Milky Way again from all our towns and cities. Learn how.
(Artificial light which is known as light pollution can have serious environmental consequences for humans, wildlife, and our climate. One of the many ways you can make your town a night sky town is by minimizing the light at night and only use when and where it's needed.​)
Be part of a global community that is helping scientists measure and study light pollution. There are several ways to help. No experience necessary!
All dark skies are not equal, find out where the darkest places are, and they are usually in our national parks. Here are a couple of links to help you find your way there. IDA -> Sky and Telescope ->