Item List

Building the New Economy
New assumptions that underpin our economy are needed, we envision a new economy here.

Protecting & Healing the Earth
Stepping into our Humanity and Protecting the Earth

Bearing Witness and Helping
Helping people through catastrophe.

Being Human
While technologies benefit societies they can also divide us. Here are some actions to help us remain connected, interactive and supportive.

Ask Nature
Learn from and join cutting edge and pioneering projects that are aligned with the natural intelligence around us!

Waging Peace
How to create, keep and maintain peace.

Building Resilience
Imagine strong communities growing their own food, protecting land and water, cleaning the air while guarding our human rights? We do!

Activate Nature Rights
The United States is no longer a democracy, or was it ever? Regardless, here is how we create one., and build a society that can sustain ourselves long into the future.

Learn from First Nations
First Nations share their wisdom and maintain their cultures and traditions. Express your gratitude through a wide range of initiatives.

Reversing Climate Disruption
Extraordinary advances in applied sciences, infrastructure and policies are being implemented and they also need our vital support!

Implementing an Unconditional Basic Income
Implementing an unconditional basic income will us all to live out our biography.

Saving the Night Sky
For eons nighttime skies once connected us with the cosmos. The International Dark Sky Association has many ways we can safely turn out the lights.